Hi All! Here are a couple of quick videos regarding the forthcoming FLEA Serial Interface Module. The FLEA module has been requested by assistants wishing to run the Cine RT simultaneously with another rangefinding device such as the Ward's Sniper or Teradek TOF. These users wanted the ability to view third-party data on the Cine RT (or to send that data to a connected LCS) and the FLEA makes it possible!
Additionally, we have had requests to release a long-range transmitter. Since options such as the Qinematiq Focus Buddy RF Tags exist, we decided that rather than making our own, to release an interface to connect to any device outputting serial data. Currently, the 3rd Source Mode settings are restricted to a basic offset; however, more refined firmware connectivity is possible depending on demand.
Please comment here or email me directly at laird@focusbug.com if you are interested in the FLEA or have any questions. We will announce pricing and availability soon.