The #cleanbuildchallenge was a great success and we want to thank everyone, who shared his clean builds during this challenge. We are sure, that your builds have inspired a lot of colleagues around to world, to build nice and sleek camera builds!
There were over 700 clean builds shared on Instagram over 3 months, which was absolutely amazing and didn`t make it easy for us, to pick the top 20 for the final voting. We want to congratulate all of the finalists, but also the 3 winners of the challenge, who have been picked by you!
Congratulations to the winners:
1st place:
Nina Trubert Ambrosio

2nd place:
Benjy Kirkman

3rd place:
Ramiro Sabell

Now it`s time for another challenge, which we hope will also be as inspiring and educating as the cleanbuildchallenge: With the #focusstationchallenge we ask you to post your best, cleanest, smartest battle stations, you built on set.
How to participate:
post a photo of your focus station / battle station on IG, using the #focusstationchallenge and #focuspulleratwork .
Please make sure, that your account is not set on private, otherwise, we cannot find your entries in the timeline searching by #focusstationchallenge
We will run this challenge for 3 months. The community managers will again pick 5-6 entries each month and we will do the final voting again on
What`s to win (prize pool might increase during the challenge):
1st prize:
- one Segmento Abox to level up your battle station:
One 100$ gift Certificate by ULCS:

7 custom 6G-SDI ultra-flexible cables with stainless steel nameplate (choose your color, length and engraving) by wicam
One Robocup and holster:

2nd prize
- Bright Tangerine 6" 15mm drumstix - Drumstix Sterling Titanium Support Rods are like no other rods, rugged, stiff and ultra-light:

5 custom 6G-SDI ultra-flexible cables with stainless steel nameplate (choose your color, length and engraving) by wicam
One Robocup and holster:

3rd prize
- Bright Tangerine 6" 15mm drumstix - Drumstix Sterling Titanium Support Rods are like no other rods, rugged, stiff and ultra-light:

3 custom 6G-SDI ultra-flexible cables with stainless steel nameplate (choose your color, length and engraving) by wicam
One Robocup and holster:

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!! Let`s see some clean focus stations and inspire your colleagues!
ooo my !!! that frontbox is wild, i could use that upgrade ! WOW
Congrats to the winners, looking forward to this next round.
I am so ready for this! 🤣😳
Damn that Segmento Abox looks sleek! My inner geek just did a few backflips
OMG Segmento Abox😍!