@Ana Ferron have seen you posting a question regarding connecting multiple controllers to one MDR Receiver. not sure where the posts have gone, but here is the answer for you. Multiple Controller Operation
Turn on the first controller and sync wirelessly to the MDR receiver.
On the controller menu
Select the axis you wish the Second controller to operate, and set this to OFF on this controller.
Turn this controller off.
Power on the second controller and sync to the receiver on the same RF channel.
On the controller menu
Then turn all axis being operated by the first controller to OFF on this device. Leaving the axis you wish to use on this device to the input you assign it to.
Turn on the first controller.
Both controllers will now connect to the same MDR (on the same RF channel) without conflict and control the axis they are set to.
Thank you very much for the information. I will try with this option that you give me and I will tell you if everything has gone well. thanks a lot