WE MADE IT TO THE TOP TIER—MAX DISCOUNT REACHED. To celebrate, we’re going to extend the group buy to September 7 (one more week) so TELL YOUR PALS.
Our sales team will start reaching out to you tomorrow at the emails you provided to start setting up the orders with you. Look out for an email from them; do not place orders on your own yet.
Just to recap, we've reached Level 3: If we have 40+ participants the final discount level will unlock and everyone will be able to purchase the kit at $3,999 (a savings of over $5,000 from MSRP!)
(Additionally if we reach this target, any additional accessories purchased with your CTRL.3 kit will receive a 30% discount)
How you can participate:
To participate simply fill in this form AND comment below saying you want to participate before August 31, 2021. We will keep a running tally of how many users we are up to in this original post.
Note: We are currently running a CTRL.3 giveaway for joining this FPAW group. If someone who participates in the Group Buy winds up winning the giveaway, we will refund the price of the prize.
When and how should I contact you if I don’t receive a sales email?