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Focusbug User Group

PublicĀ·924 members

Laird Pierce
Manufacturer Partners of FPAW

FPAW - Partner

Focusbug Representative


Hi All! Just jumping in here with some new notes regarding the V.23 update.


NEW NOTE: On completion of an update we recommended resetting your Base Sensor and Handset to factory defaults. Doing this prevents the unlikely issue of older stored settings causing complications with the new firmware.

  • Addition of a new 6ā€ NEAR LIMIT option. To swap the default 1ā€™ near limit with the 6ā€ near limit navigate to page 4 of the ADVANCED SYSTEM SETTINGS and select ā€œEnableā€ in the new CLOSE MINIMUM menu. New Note: We recommend using the default 1ā€™ near limit for general purpose use and using the 6ā€ near limit when required. Depending on the ambient air temperature and other environmental conditions, it may be necessary to lower Sensitivity, or reseat/remove your UHP-100 Horn Protector when using the new close minimum (in order to avoid potential sensitivity issues related to the near limit being in close proximity to the component hardware).

As a side note, Jon and I are currently reviewing user feedback from the last year regarding the LCS Focus Tracking Menu. Focusbug HQ is now stuffed with over 20' of dolly track so we can continue empirical testing of the DSP settings to isolate weaknesses and improve functionality. We will be testing focus tracking with the ARRI Hi-5 primarily; however, we will also review compatibility with Teradek, Heden and c motion LCS. Our next firmware update will include any changes we make as a result of this new round of testing.

Thanks for your attention!



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